Even though I wasn't planning to write blog posts about specific types, I have realized a funny fact about it, and I'm writing this post.
Namely, the intseq type is a builtin type to Expresso, and it is alike to the xrange type in Python or the Range type in Rust. Frankly, it is a generator that produces integers in sequence so the basic functionality is the same as that of the similar types in other programming languages. Although the range in Kotlin can be tested for inclusion with the in operator, Expresso can't. In is a keyword in Expresso as well, but it only is used as the right-hand-side in for loops.
module main; def main() { for let i in 0..10 { // start..end:step is a ternary operator。When step is omitted, it will be 1. println(i); } for let j in 9...0:-1 { // If you set step to negative integers, the sequence go in the negative direction. Note that we don't check whether it is valid(On Apr. 5 2018 added: The compiler now checks whether it is correct when the expression consists only of literal expressions. In other words, the compiler issues a warning if you write it as 0...9:-1 instead). println(j); } for let k in 0..10:3 { // Of course, you can set it to more than 1. println(k); } let a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ...]; // I wish that we can write it as (0..10).select(|x| x);. From Apr. 5 2018, it can also be written as [0..10, ...]; let a2 = a[2...4]; println(a2); }
The above code prints [2, 3, 4] as expected(The actual output will be something like [List<int>, 2...4:1] because it prints the result of calling ToString on it). The type of a2 will be a slice, which is also a builtin type. Even though Rust has the Slice type as well and it also allows us to write like that, other programming languages don't. So it is a strong point of Expresso.
In Kotlin you can create ranges for floats(because they don't make sense I may get it wrong), but in Expresso you can do so for ints only. Note that it might raise an exception when you try to create a range outside of the range of the int(Added on Apr. 5 2018: Actually the compiler complains because a number outside of the int range will be interpreted as a double and the intseq expression doesn't accept a double).
In addition, the range operator is one of the two ternary operators in Expresso. The other ternary operator is the conditional operator( ? : ).
Added on Apr. 5 2018: As shown in the comment of initialization of a, you can now initialize a sequence with an intseq. Other languages such as Rust, Kotlin and Swift don't support this syntax, so as far as I know it's unique to Expresso only. You can create an array with [0..10]; and of course, with a step: [0..10:2];.
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